Sunday, December 21, 2008

Elmo Live Update

Elmo Live has been on sale since the middle of October but as yet the predicted sell outs have not happened. It is looking likely that Elmo will remain firmly in stock for the rest of the Christmas period. As of early December we still haven't reached the height of the shopping season so we can't be sure that Elmo Live won't be selling out over the coming weeks but it looks unlikely that it will sell out in every shop. That means you won't have to rush out and buy one. In fact a recent trend is emerging this Christmas which is unlike any other Christmas. Prices are coming down.

It seems the January sales this year started in late November. Elmo Live had already dropped £5 in many stores by the End of November. When the Government announced a VAT rate cut prices fell even further. You can now pick up Elmo for under £50 on Amazon. That's a 17% price reduction (roughly equal to the entire VAT being taken off the original price) in just over one and a half months at the peak shopping time for this type product.

It may even be worth waiting to the last minute to buy your Elmo Live (as long as you order it in time for Christmas). Retailers are unsure of how they will fair in January with the current economic uncertainties. This means they don't want to have lots of stock left over (especially toys) after Christmas. For this reason you may benefit from yet another price cut as retailers desperately attempt to claw back some of their loses before what could potentially be a slow start to 2009.

While it isn't selling as well as expected, Elmo Live is still a great toy. Its more moderate than expected sales are not down to the quality of the toy at all as it has received much praise in reviews. The reason for its lack of sales is the economic uncertainty. On a positive note, consumers can use the current economy to their advantage by making the most of the lowered prices.

To order your Elmo Live toy, have a look at our website. It will show you the latest price updates and other Elmo Live information.

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